
The Melvin location became a part of Farmers Coop Society in 2002, when Siouxland Coop was acquired by FCS. There are currently three full time employees based out of the Melvin location, of these employees Doris Remmers has served the location and community the longest, holding her post for 32 years. The Melvin location continues to grow along with the other locations within the Farmers Coop Society family. This location proves important to the community, providing quality agronomy, grain, and livestock services as well as being actively involved with the next generation of farmers through both 4-H and FFA.

Doris, who has been at the location since 1991, ensures that the legacy of supporting the local community continues at the Melvin location. Doris takes pride in the facility and the good it does for the local growers, this includes fair grain prices and a variety of services, including everything from seed to home appliances. The community matters, this is apparent through the way that Doris ensures that the Melvin location does their part supporting the local 4-H clubs and FFA Chapters. The local chapters often utilize the location’s space for special meetings and events and Melvin along with FCS sponsors classes on cattle grooming and showmanship. She enjoys the variety that the job provides with the hog store located right inside of the office and the greenhouse in the spring. When asked what core value Melvin best demonstrates Doris chose Integrity, stating that the employees at the location treat their customers like family.

Another key player at the Melvin location is Roger Frodermann, Melvin Location Manager and Grain Superintendent. Roger has been an FCS employee for a decade, beginning as a grain handler and moving into the manager position in 2021. There are several things he looks forward to in his day, but one of his favorite times is the morning when the coffee crowd gathers in the office. One of Roger’s favorite things about coming to work each day is the people he gets to work with, both customers and coworkers. When reflecting on the impact that Farmers Coop Society has had on the local community he comments, “Melvin is a small location with a BIG community impact”. Roger looks forward to watching this impact continue to grow in the future. When it comes to core values Roger states that he believes accountability is the core value that Melvin best exemplifies. The employees are not only accountable to the other employees within the company and location, more importantly, they are accountable to the farmers.

The Melvin location includes one agronomist, Jerry Stessman. Jerry has been an agronomist with Farmers Coop Society for nearly 15 years. When considering his favorite parts about being an agronomist, Jerry mentions the people he works with, both his coworkers and customers. The people he works with matter to him, saying he takes his job to heart and tries his best to do right by everyone involved. Similarly, Jerry comments on the company culture at Farmers Coop Society, saying everyone in the company is more than willing to help both customers and fellow employees because at FCS, you’re not just a number. Wrapping up, Jerry picked a core value he felt that the Melvin location best represents. He claimed integrity and accountability, the reputation of a company matters, and FCS has proven to be a trusted source.
Melvin is one of nine valuable locations that make up Farmers Coop Society. When you walk into the Melvin location you will immediately feel the warm and welcoming atmosphere that the location is known for. Everyone at the location is more than happy to take a moment to help you, proving that you are a valued member of Farmers Coop Society.