Precision Farming has changed farming in many
ways for the better. These tools have improved
efficiency, allowed for more hours worked, and
resulted in higher yields. Time is money, and in
the Spring, weather and conditions sometimes
allow for only half of the days available to get
the work done. It is imperative that equipment is ready and tuned for peak performance. Let's get things ready to go before the season arrives and eliminate any concerns before planting time. We offer a service contract each year in advance of the crop season. It is an opportunity to plan our work as we prepare your equipment for the upcoming growing season. Most companies that we work with offer software and firmware updates before the spring and fall seasons. Updates are available to fix software bugs and problems discovered in systems, including GPS signal, auto steer performance, or auto swath performance updates. Please consider one of our service plans if it has been a while since you updated your systems. We offer three levels of service to allow you to choose the right plan to meet your needs. We also offer prepaid service time that can be purchased in 5-hour increments at a discounted rate. Don't hesitate to contact the Precision Ag team or your FCS Agronomist if you are interested, have questions, or did not receive a contract. The sign-up will remain open until February 15.
Your planter is a critical piece of equipment on your farm. Many factors during planting can affect yield, up or down. A typical 12-row planter is planting about $3,000 worth of seed corn an hour. And one ear lost in a 1/1000th of an acre is about a 7 bushel per acre loss. Ensuring your planter is in the best condition sets you up for good yields and profits. We offer basic planter inspections and meter calibrations before planting season to help ensure your planter is ready to go.

Please consider whether a planter inspection or meter calibration is suitable for your operation. Contact Kevin or Scott in the Precision Ag Department or your FCS Agronomist to sign up or answer any of your questions. Give us a call on the Precision Ag Service Hotline - (712)631- 5466.
We hope to see you at the Dakota Farm Show in Vermillion January 4-6, and the Sioux Falls Farm Show January 26-28.