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Dealing With 2022 Supply Issues

Supply chain issues have become a global phenomenon over the past 18+ months, and agriculture is beginning to feel some real supply effects that could impact your 2022 decision-making. We are seeing real supply issues for glufosinate and glyphosate products, so what strategies can you use to control the situation for the 2022 growing season?

  • Work with a reliable supplier and communicate with them; reliability has become a top priority in today's market.
  • Develop a plan well in advance. Planning and communication allow the best chance to ensure the supply of products. As a general rule, agriculture had an ample supply of products in the past, which meant "just-in-time" needs could be met easier, but that has changed this year, so we encourage you to plan!
  • Adapt your agronomic plans. It can be easy to go back to a reliable program just because it's what you have done in the past; however, weed resistance combined with some product limitations are both valid reasons to tweak or revamp your plans. Examples of adapting include raising the rate of a pre, moving to an alternate pre with more sites of action, adding a residual to a post-application, adjusting the rate of glyphosate to target weeds, choosing an alternate herbicide trait option in your seed as well as many others.

There are options available to enhance control and manage within a budget, so don't panic; however, planning ahead and making adjustments is wise. Contact your local FCS agronomist to discuss options and proactively develop a plan for 2022.