Small Investments, Big Returns
There are multiple in season management decisions you can control that can improve your bottom line. Relatively small investments in your corn crop can yield big returns yet for 2024.
The 3 small investment areas for potential big returns include;
- Plant health + stress mitigation
- Crop nutrition at key times
- Avoiding yield robbing pests
These areas of targeted focus, if executed well at the proper crop stage and time, can drive yield and profit; especially in a year with lower grain prices where every dollar counts.
Corn Plant Health and Stress Mitigation
Foliar Bio Stimulants
Voyagro used at V5 corn timing and potentially again at VT can help mitigate plant stress in corn by linking potassium with amino acids and peptides which help move product within the plant which can help drive yield potential when tissue nitrogen and potassium levels are adequate in the plant.
YieldON late season VT-R2 is a unique mix of three different plant extracts with two effective modes of action that improves the transport of sugars and other nutrients in the plant and promotes cell division which can drive high yields in high yield environments.
Click here to learn more about YieldON!
Newer high-end fungicides can impact yields and plant health with disease control as well as stress mitigation. The past few years we had dry conditions and the ROI with the right fungicides was very evident, in 2024 the weather has changed, and disease could once again play a major role if gone unchecked. Fungicides such as Miravis Neo are a great hedge against unpredictable weather and result in reliable ROI.
Crop Nutrition at Key Times
In season crop nutrition hinges on the corn plant having key nutrients at key development stages.
Foliar Feeding
In season foliar feeding can be a very effective way to supplement key micronutrients for the crop. The focus to make this work effectively is understanding what nutrients are the most important, and then target the timing that will be the most beneficial to achieve maximum response.
In corn, the most common micronutrient needs are with Zinc and Boron. One important step is using a high-quality micronutrient product like Brandt Smart Trio. Why is Zinc important and why does Brandt Smart Trio help? Watch this video.
Proper timing is the other key. In corn the key developmental times are at V5 and VT, physiologically during V5 that plant has a high need for key micronutrients, especially Zinc and Boron while the plant is determining the number of rows of kernels. During VT (tassel) staging, the plant has a high need for Boron in addition to high macronutrient consumption.
Protection from Pests
Diseases and Insect Control
Foliar corn diseases such as Tar Spot, Gray Leaf Spot, Rust, and Eyespot can rob yield in multiple ways. For disease control, the ideal timing for control is a VT-R2 high-end fungicide application with good residual like Miravis Neo.
Corn rootworm beetles, corn leaf aphid, and spider mites can be a problem in certain years. Make sure to scout or have an FCS agronomist scout for the precence of these insect pests prior to potential treatment to find out if it is needed or needs to be customized for the target pest.
Discuss The In Season Corn Options
FCS carrys a large line of high quality and specialized products that when properly combined and well timed can take small investments in season and return profit to the bottom line after harvest. To discuss the options that best fit your operation, contact me.